To Ashes

An adventure puzzle game made for android phones as part of DADIU 2019
My role was visual artist & supporting art director, and my tasks uncluded:
  • All 2D assets
  • All shaders (using Amplify Shader)
  • VFX
  • Menus & UI
During this project I taught myself to use Amplify shader, having only 1 week of experience with the program prior to the project
Available for android phones:
Watch the trailer:

Behind the scenes

Menu design & dissolve shader

Menu design & dissolve shader

arrow screenshot.png

Screenshot of the game

Menu design & shaders for flame and match

Menu design & shaders for flame and match

sparks emission over distance .gif

Sparks based on movement

Early test of shaders on main character

Early test of shaders on main character

chair dissolve.gif

Most things in the game can burn - test of shader using a chair